Nowadays solitude is everywhere. Increasingly similar to monads, we are losing the ability to build solid connections between us, and to convert our private experience into public matter. What is becoming lost is an «art of translation», the capacity to build bridges between private problems and troubles and common causes, something that may connect people and make them act in accord: that is, politics as an art to «bring us together».The goal of this book is to question, in many different ways, the link between solitude and politics. It is the result of a collective work of young researchers, trying to understand, and to fight, their own solitude and loneliness within the academia. It offers a preliminary interdisciplinary discussion aiming to forge the tools to grasp this strange oxymoron, to better comprehend this simultaneously individual and collective condition.
pp. 128
ISBN cartaceo 9788831978750
ISBN pdf 9788831978767
PhD candidates in Political Philosophy and Political Science at the University of Turin and Florence. In order to contrast their academic loneliness during the doctoral period, they decided to put together their different backgrounds to deepen the theme of political solitude. In February 2018, they organized a conference with other PhD colleagues on the subject.
PhD candidates in Political Philosophy and Political Science at the University of Turin and Florence. In order to contrast their academic loneliness during the doctoral period, they decided to put together their different backgrounds to deepen the theme of political solitude. In February 2018, they organized a conference with other PhD colleagues on the subject.
PhD candidates in Political Philosophy and Political Science at the University of Turin and Florence. In order to contrast their academic loneliness during the doctoral period, they decided to put together their different backgrounds to deepen the theme of political solitude. In February 2018, they organized a conference with other PhD colleagues on the subject.