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Proceedings of the Fifth Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics CLiC-it 2018 10-12 December 2018, Torino
a cura di Elena Cabrio, Alessandro Mazzei, Fabio Tamburini

collana Collana dell'Associazione Italiana di Linguistica Computazionale
anno di pubblicazione 2018
pp. 391
ISBN pdf 9788831978415
DOI 10.4000/books.aaccademia.2802

On behalf of the Program Committee, a very warm welcome to the Fifth Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CLiC-­‐it 2018). This edition of the conference is held in Torino. The conference is locally organised by the University of Torino and hosted into its prestigious main lecture hall “Cavallerizza Reale”. The CLiC-­‐it conference series is an initiative of the Italian Association for Computational Linguistics (AILC) which, after five years of activity, has clearly established itself as the premier national forum for research and development in the fields of Computational Linguistics and Natural Language Processing, where leading researchers and practitioners from academia and industry meet to share their research results, experiences, and challenges.

Université Cote d’Azur, Inria, CNRS, I3S, France.
Dipartimento di Informatica, Università degli Studi di Torino.
FICLIT, University of Bologna, Italy


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CLICIT2018-00 0,00
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Aina-Bernardi-Fernández, A distributional study of negated adjectives and antonyms

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CLICIT2018-01 0,00
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Alzetta-Koceva-Passalacqua et al., PRET: Prerequisite-Enriched Terminology. A Case Study on Educational Texts

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CLICIT2018-02 0,00
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Amore-McGregor-Jezek, Distributional Analysis of Verbal Neologisms: Task Definition and Dataset Construction

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CLICIT2018-03 0,00
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Antonelli-Tamburini, Parsing Italian texts together is better than parsing them alone!

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CLICIT2018-04 0,00

Basile-Novielli, “Buon appetito!”' - Analyzing Happiness in Italian Tweets

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CLICIT2018-05 0,00
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Basile-Lai-Sanguinetti, Long-term Social Media Data Collection at the University of Turin

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CLICIT2018-06 0,00
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Basile-Mazzei, Neural Surface Realization for Italian

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CLICIT2018-07 0,00
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Bassignana-Basile-Patti, Hurtlex: A Multilingual Lexicon of Words to Hurt

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CLICIT2018-08 0,00
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Bondielli-Passaro-Lenci, CoreNLP-it: A UD pipeline for Italian based on Stanford CoreNLP

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CLICIT2018-09 0,00
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Brunato-Valeriani-Dell'Orletta, DARC-IT: a DAtaset for Reading Comprehension in ITalian

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CLICIT2018-10 0,00
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Busso-Pannitto-Lenci, Modelling Italian construction flexibility with distributional semantics: are constructions enough?

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CLICIT2018-11 0,00
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Cabrio-Villata, The SEEMPAD Dataset for Emphatic and Persuasive Argumentation

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CLICIT2018-12 0,00
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Caselli, Italian Event Detection Goes Deep Learning

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CLICIT2018-13 0,00
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Cecchini-Passarotti-Ruffolo et al., Enhancing the Latin Morphological Analyser LEMLAT with a Medieval Latin Glossary

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CLICIT2018-14 0,00
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Celli-Lepri, Is Big Five better than MBTI? A personality computing challenge using Twitter data

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CLICIT2018-15 0,00
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Cervone-Gambi-Tortoreto et al., Automatically Predicting User Ratings for Conversational Systems

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CLICIT2018-16 0,00
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Chesi, An efficient Trie for binding (and movement)

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CLICIT2018-17 0,00
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Chingacham-Paperno, Generalizing Representations of Lexical Semantic Relations

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CLICIT2018-18 0,00
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Chiriatti-Della Gala-Dell'Orletta et al., A NLP-based Analysis of Reflective Writings by Italian Teachers

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CLICIT2018-19 0,00
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Cimino-Dell'Orletta-Brunato et al., Sentences and Documents in Native Language Identification

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CLICIT2018-20 0,00
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Cocciu-Brunato-Venturi et al., Gender and Genre Linguistic profiling: a case study on female and male journalistic and diary prose

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CLICIT2018-21 0,00
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Colla-Mensa-Porporato et al., Conceptual Abstractness: from Nouns to Verbs

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CLICIT2018-22 0,00
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Comandini-Speranza-Magnini, Effective Communication without Verbs? Sure! Identification of Nominal Utterances in Italian Social Media Texts

pdf 97.8 KB

CLICIT2018-23 0,00
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Croce-Rossini-Basili, On the Readability of Deep Learning Models: the role of Kernel-based Deep Architectures

pdf 222.9 KB

CLICIT2018-24 0,00
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Cutugno-Dell'Orletta-Poggi et al., The CHROME Manifesto: integrating multimodal data into Cultural Heritage Resources

pdf 257.5 KB

CLICIT2018-25 0,00
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De Felice-Dell'Orletta-Venturi et al., Italian in the Trenches: Linguistic Annotation and Analysis of Texts of the Great War

pdf 107.2 KB

CLICIT2018-26 0,00
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Dell'Oglio-Brunato-Dell'Orletta, Lexicon and Syntax: Complexity across Genres and Language Varieties

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CLICIT2018-27 0,00
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De Martino-Mancuso-Laudanna, Grammatical class effects in production of Italian inflected verbs

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CLICIT2018-28 0,00
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Dini-Curtoni-Melnikova, Integrating Terminology Extraction and Word Embedding for Unsupervised Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis

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CLICIT2018-29 0,00
aggiungi al carrello (cod: CLICIT2018-29)

Di Nunzio-Vezzani, A Linguistic Failure Analysis of Classification of Medical Publications: A Study on Stemming vs Lemmatization

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CLICIT2018-30 0,00
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Feltracco-Magnini-Jezek, Lexical Opposition in Discourse Contrast

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CLICIT2018-31 0,00
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Ferro-Tamburini, A new Pitch Tracking Smoother based on Deep Neural Networks

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CLICIT2018-32 0,00
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Franzini-Passarotti-Moritz et al., Using and evaluating TRACER for an Index fontium computatus of the Summa contra Gentiles of Thomas Aquinas

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CLICIT2018-33 0,00
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Gloria Gagliardi, Inter-Annotator Agreement in linguistica: una rassegna critica (ENGLISH Inter-Annotator Agreement in linguistics: a critical review)

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CLICIT2018-34 0,00
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Ghezzi-Bosco-Mazzei, Auxiliary selection in Italian intransitive verbs: a computational investigation based on annotated corpora

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CLICIT2018-35 0,00
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Giovannetti-Albanesi-Bellandi et al., Constructing an Annotated Resource for Part-Of-Speech Tagging of Mishnaic Hebrew

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CLICIT2018-36 0,00
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Gobbi-Stepanov-Riccardi, Concept Tagging for Natural Language Understanding: Two Decadelong Algorithm Development

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CLICIT2018-37 0,00
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Günther-Marelli, The language-invariant aspect of compounding: Predicting compound meanings across languages

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CLICIT2018-38 0,00
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Louvan–Magnini, From General to Specific : Leveraging Named Entity Recognition for Slot Filling in Conversational Language Understanding

pdf 171.7 KB

CLICIT2018-39 0,00
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Magnini-Balaraman-Magnolini et al., What's in a Food Name: Knowledge Induction from Gazetteers of Food Main Ingredient

pdf 196.4 KB

CLICIT2018-40 0,00
aggiungi al carrello (cod: CLICIT2018-40)

Mairano-Zovato-Quinci, La sentiment analysis come strumento di studio del parlato emozionale? (ENGLISH Can sentiment analysis support the study of emotional speech?)

pdf 210.2 KB

CLICIT2018-41 0,00
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Francesco Mambrini, The iDAI.publication: extracting and linking information in the publications of the German Archaeological Institute (DAI)

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CLICIT2018-42 0,00
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Merenda-Zaghi-Caselli et al., Source-driven Representations for Hate Speech Detection

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CLICIT2018-43 0,00
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Mollo-Rapp-Mana et al., Progettare Chatbot: considerazioni e linee guida

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CLICIT2018-44 0,00
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Monti-Cordeiro-Ramisch et al., Advances in Multiword Expression Identification for the Italian language: The PARSEME shared task edition 1.1

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CLICIT2018-45 0,00
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Monti-Caruso-Di Buono, PARSEME-IT - Issues in verbal Multiword Expressions identification and classification

pdf 88.4 KB

CLICIT2018-46 0,00
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Nadalini-Marelli-Bottini et al., Local associations and semantic ties in overt and masked semantic priming

pdf 625.2 KB

CLICIT2018-47 0,00
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Negri-Turchi-Bertoldi et al., Online Neural Automatic Post-editing for Neural Machine Translation

pdf 143.6 KB

CLICIT2018-48 0,00
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Nicolas-Lyding-Bentivogli et al., EnetCollect in Italy

pdf 90.2 KB

CLICIT2018-49 0,00
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Okinina-Nicolas, Towards SMT-Assisted Error Annotation of Learner Corpora

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CLICIT2018-50 0,00
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Aprosio-Menini-Tonelli et al., Towards Personalised Simplification based on L2 Learners' Native Language

pdf 153.2 KB

CLICIT2018-51 0,00
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Aprosio-Moretti, Tint 2.0: an All-inclusive Suite for NLP in Italian

pdf 110.7 KB

CLICIT2018-52 0,00
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Pannitto-Lenci, MEDEA: Merging Event knowledge and Distributional vEctor Addition

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CLICIT2018-53 0,00
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Pellegrini-Passarotti, LatInfLexi: an Inflected Lexicon of Latin Verbs

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CLICIT2018-54 0,00
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Petrolito-Dell'Orletta, Word Embeddings in Sentiment Analysis

pdf 139.5 KB

CLICIT2018-55 0,00
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Rotondi-Di Iorio-Limpens, Identifying Citation Contexts: a Review of Strategies and Goals

pdf 294.8 KB

CLICIT2018-56 0,00
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Sangati-Abramova-Monti, DialettiBot: a Telegram Bot for Crowdsourcing Recordings of Italian Dialects

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CLICIT2018-57 0,00
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Simi-Montemagni, Bootstrapping Enhanced Universal Dependencies for Italian

pdf 290.6 KB

CLICIT2018-58 0,00
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Sprugnoli-Tonelli-Aprosio et al., Analysing the Evolution of Students' Writing Skills and the Impact of Neo-standard Italian with the help of Computational Linguistics

pdf 143.6 KB

CLICIT2018-59 0,00
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Sprugnoli, Arretium or Arezzo? A Neural Approach to the Identification of Place Names in Historical Texts

pdf 221.6 KB

CLICIT2018-60 0,00
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Tebbifakhr-Agrawal-Negri et al., Multi-source Transformer for Automatic Post-Editing

pdf 139.2 KB

CLICIT2018-61 0,00
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Totis-Stede, Classifying Italian newspaper text: news or editorial?

pdf 116.7 KB

CLICIT2018-62 0,00
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Trotta-Stingo-Albanese et al., Multi-Word Expressions in spoken language: PoliSdict

pdf 235.8 KB

CLICIT2018-63 0,00
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